Internship and Experiential learning Opportunities
Here is a list of internship and experiential learning opportunities related to diversity and inclusion.
Volunteer opportunity on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to unload and stack shelves. Tuesday volunteer opportunity hours are once a month and for about an hour and a half around 10:30am-12pm. The Wednesday opportunity hours are twice a month around the same time frame, 10:30am-12pm.
Work with MCVP (Monadnock Center for Violence Prevention) as a Volunteer or Paid Per Diem Advocate. For more information, visit:
Want to uncover historical bias in the development timeline of an international organization?
Desire to make a difference in the lives of underrepresented citizens?
Are you an advocate for historically marginalized groups?
Want to use your investigative skills and passion for equality?
The Keene Family YMCA has a need for an intern to dive into the archives of our YMCA in search of the freedom journey related to marginalized and underserved communities contained within them. Would prefer a Franklin Pierce Student interested in such a research / archive exercise.
The individual would need to digitize our YMCA Board minutes dating back to 1885 and look for DEI related themes within them. Specifically, we are looking for ways in which our Y was culpable in advancing systemic racist structures as well as milestones where we addressed them. Such as when did we first allow seniors, women and BIPOC members? When did our Y take the Christian focus out of our mission? Did that journey include moments of great resistance or harm? When did we add or subtract significant programming such as bible study and childcare?
The Intern would need to do the following:
- Read all minutes, bring to my attention any notable milestones within them on our DEI journey or resistance.
- Log all “motions” made into a searchable spreadsheet.
- Compile a historical list of Board members.
- Scan, appropriately name and file all Board related documents.
- Present “interesting” or “notable” findings in their work to the staff team and/or to the Board, both related to and not related to DEI.
- If needed research descendants of individuals or groups we need to engage for restorative healing.
- Archive membership and staff documents if time allows.
Possible outcomes this work could lead to:
- Naming our culpability in advancing systemic racist policies and structures.
- Board motions that name, reject and “undue” such motions of the past.
- Identifying people or groups that we need to engage in restorative justice or healing.
Start date ASAP.
The Diversity and Inclusion Office through a generous donation from the A.L.A.NA Alumni Fund will provide the right student with a small stipend for the duration of the work.
Please contact us if you are interested or
Florisbeth Joseph (she, her), Associate Director of Diversity & Inclusion
(603) 899-4386
To report an incident of bias click here